Getting Started

Foreign Wrappers, Servers, Tables, and User Mappings

HeavyConnect introduces four new types of database objects to HeavyDB. These objects follow the ISO/IEC 9075-9 (SQL/MED) standard, which defines constructs for managing external data for a SQL database.

A foreign data wrapper represents an adapter object that connects HeavyDB to an external data source and accesses required data. Different types of data wrappers exist for different data formats.

Organizing Your Data

For file data sources, you can use directory partitioning to organize and filter your data. This can include hard and soft links in your directory structure. HeavyConnect processes all files in a directory or can reference a single file. You can structure directories to make it easier to introduce new data for processing.

For example, using the following graphic as a reference, you can:

  1. Include all records from 2020

  2. Include all records in March 2020

  3. An individual record in March 2020

  4. All records YoY for January (softlink)

Refer to AWS documentation on organizing your data and how folders are represented in S3.